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dr. Foto

Meet Dr. Foto

Dr. Foto was born and raised in Metairie, La. He attended St. Mary Magdalen Grammar School and Rummel High School. He received his undergraduate degree from Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond. Dr. Foto graduated with High Honors from Louisiana State University School of Dentistry where he received his Doctor of Dental Science degree in 1994. He opened his private practice office in Mandeville in 1994.

With so many years of experience, Dr. Foto believes that the most important aspects of dentistry are patient comfort and a personal, caring touch to each person’s dental needs. He is able to achieve these ideals by keeping his practice small in size, but extensive in treatments offered and, of course, hiring friendly staff who provide excellent service! If you’re looking for a general dentist in Mandeville, LA, give our practice a call, 985-626-4447.

To help guide you to a healthy smile and give you the best that dentistry has to offer, Dr. Foto has completed more than 1000 hours of advanced dental education under some of the best dentists in the United States. The education he received at Louisiana State University Dental School enables him to provide a wide range of dental services to help you achieve your oral health goals.

Dr. Foto and his wife, Monique, have three wonderful children, Brandon, Amanda, and Ashley! Brandon is now married and his wife, Lindsey, is like a third daughter! Raising a family in Mandeville has been a great pleasure for the Fotos, which is a big reason why Dr. Foto’s practice is so family-oriented. When he’s not helping his patients achieve beautiful smiles, Dr. Foto enjoys fishing, hunting and anything outdoors!

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